Fattoria di Caticciano
We dropped everything
to experience country life
to experience country life
A few years ago, we used to have different jobs. I was a stylist and he was an environmental engineer. Now, we are olive growers and farmers. We dropped everything for silence, rocks and country pans. The choice was inevitable: on one hand we had the city and its deadlines. On the other hand we had the land and its seasons.
Nowadays, we’re known as “first generation farmers”. But it’s not so. We resumed our grandfathers’ work, which has been falling apart after them. We rebuilt it and we want to write a new chapter. We’re aware that this will not be the last, as we care for those who are yet to come.
We commit to keep the secrets of the land, the knowledge that enhances its natural features and does not change them. We are committed in keeping plants and animals safe; they enrich human life since forever in these lands.
Welcome to Fattoria di Caticciano

A sustainable
The intensive use of pesticides is endangering 84% of habitats and 77% of animal species (State of Nature in the EU, European Environment Agency). Some investigations estimated that almost 40% of intensively cultivated fields would be lost within 2050.
On the contrary, the Italian national institute for environmental protection and research (Istituto superiore per la protezione e la ricerca ambientale) recently highlighted that in organic fields there is a double number or more of plant species, spiders, birds and funny and precious bats.
The first step was becoming and organic reality. Luckily we knew farmers, who have been cultivating this land for a long time. Thanks to them, we understood the importance of value of biodiversity. In order to have a fertile field and to pick good harvests, farmers have always behaved in respect of nature.
In addition to our organic methods, we respect soil by means of permaculture and biodynamic agriculture.

Certification number 41589
A new deal between man and nature
In 2008 the market crisis strikes. The contradictions of a consumerist system exploded, showing that the system itself is literally destroying the ecosystem. In 2020 covid-19 emergency intensified the problem. The relation between man and nature is more and more compromised and it is at the center of the international political debate.
Even if governments persist in having industrial policies completely disconnected with the point of no return that the Planet already overpassed, a lot of people started to roll up their sleeves. This awareness process started from the bottom.
Little by little, the scenario has been changing under the pressure of young graduated people in law, engineering, psychology, agrarian archaeology and so on, who are ready to press “eject” and change music.
Fattoria di Caticciano follows this new trend.
We commit to keep the secrets of the land, the knowledge that enhances its natural features and does not change them. We are committed in keeping plants and animals safe; because they enrich human life since forever in these lands.